Friday, July 4, 2014

Why the Annual Pelvic Exams???

I kind of always felt that the annual exams were unnecessary so when I read this article, it helped me to feel more comfortable with my personal feelings. This is in no way medical advice, just one writer's research and interview journey as she prepared to write this article. What she found may surprise you.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Introduction of Solids now Recommended at 6 Months

When it comes to babies, moms can fall into a couple of different categories: she could be the mom who wants her child to do everything sooner & faster than all of the other babies OR she could be the mom who wants to wait, hold off, and keep her child a baby for as long as possible. A lot of moms go to these extremes, and then a lot of us fall somewhere in the middle...  
Regardless of which side of the spectrum you're on, or if you're somewhere in the middle, too, this article will help us all feel better knowing that yes, we really SHOULD wait until our little one is 6 months old to introduce solid food. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nelson Mandela

There can be no keener revelation
of a society's soul than the way
in which it treats 
its children.

- Nelson Mandela