I always knew I wanted to be a wife and a mother. And now, fully engaged in both of these things, I continue to be surprised by the complexity and yet simple beauty of if all...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Empathy in Infancy
A couple of weeks ago, I observed an incredible display of empathy in among a set of infant multiples. Since then, I find my mind wandering back to that moment when I watched with amazement..... An infant was working quietly on one side of the room. She had a material in her hand and was intently concentrating - turning it on one side and then the other; rubbing her hand against it to feel the texture and putting it in her mouth to explore it further. Her sister was on the other side of the room and all of a sudden became upset, wanting her teacher to pick her up. The first infant, who had been concentrating so intently, unconsciously processed the situation, put down her work and immediately crawled over to her sister. As she reached her sister, she stopped crawling and sat right next to her. That moment was amazing because the upset sibling stopped crying and they sat together, as if in unison, and waited for their teacher to pick up one. For those who doubt an infant's ability to show empathy and socialization, this scenario is a powerful example of just how perceptive these little ones can be...