I always knew I wanted to be a wife and a mother. And now, fully engaged in both of these things, I continue to be surprised by the complexity and yet simple beauty of if all...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Benefits of Infant Massage
As a Certified Newborn Massage Instructor, I have seen the benefits of massaging infants and newborns first hand. When mother and baby have a strongly developed skinship through daily massages, the infant will not only enjoy special, relaxing one on one time with you, but a wealth of other experiences as well. For example, did you know that infant massage improves circulation throughout the infant's body? The improved circulation can speed the healing of birth related trauma. We know the birth experience is laborious for the mother, and quite similarly, the infant is working hard to emerge into a new world which required hard work for him as well. Another benefit of the daily massage is stimulation of the immune system. The calming effect elicited by the massage will allow for deeper more restful sleep for both the parent and baby - these calming effects help with babies who have colic and digestive problems as well! Stimulation of the nervous system is another very important benefit of infant massage. Stimulating the nervous system through the skin assists with the development of muscle tone, coordination and brain functioning. For all babies, eating is one of their biggest tasks. Newborn and infant massage helps the baby to intake and digest food more easily. Having stimulated all of her primary internal body systems, the body is able to use calories more efficiently allowing the baby to grow, grow, grow! Won't you join me for an infant massage class? On the right of my blog, you'll see a button to register online. I'm looking forward to providing a one-on-one newborn infant massage class for you and your partner.