Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do you know someone "At Risk"?

During some reading time today, a question came to mind that just kept popping back up ... do you know someone "at risk". Thinking this through I considered how many women, children and families there are who have situations placing them at-risk, particularly in this poor economy. I thought I should put some of these scenarios out there, in hopes it will inspire at least one person to reach out to someone in need. 
At-Risk Situations for a Mother, Family or Newborn Baby Include:
* teen mother and teen father
* history of physical or sexual abuse
* poverty, poor prenatal care, poor nutrition, homelessness
* additions (past or present)
* mental illness or mental retardation (current or family history)
* preterm birth
* traumatic birth
* congenial problems or malformations
* genetic problems
* maternal depression postpartum
* lack of social support postpartum
* perfectionist and overly conscientious parents
For those families who have never had to deal with any of these circumstances, may you cherish your blessings and support others who may have to work through these difficult situations.