Every Friday in my Montessori daycare, I send with each family a basket and shopping list. The shopping lists include things like flour, sugar, eggs, milk, fresh fruits & vegetables, and a "pick-two". The "pick-two" means that the child helps mom & dad pick two fun, new, or adventurous fruits or vegetables for the rest of the friends to try.
Last week, I was very surprised to find prickly pear cactus in one of the baskets! I had never prepared this before, but after some research, I decided to bake it.
The children LOVED it!
Here's how: I washed the cactus and used the sharp edge of my knife to remove the prickles as well as all of the edges. (I watched a few videos on youtube before attempting it myself.) Then, I washed the cactus again, sliced it, dipped it in egg, then bread crumbs, put it into a glass pan, seasoned it lightly, then baked for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
Did I mention the children LOVED it!?