We found out about 7 weeks prior to our baby’s due date that he was not in a good position for natural delivery. Exactly what we found out is that he was in the breech position and the umbilical cord was wrapped around his head at least 2 times and maybe 3. This came as quite a shock as it had been “the plan” to have everything be as natural and free of pain medication as possible as that was the delivery experience we were hoping for.
So, we switched gears, and prepared for a c-section delivery as that was determined to be safest for baby. We were asked to decide on the date, which felt very strange to me to determine what day your baby would be born on, and we chose February 15th. We felt strongly that it wasn’t really our style to purposely have a baby born on Valentine’s Day and that he should have a day for himself, unattached to any other holidays if possible.
The morning of the 15th arrived and we made our way into the hospital. Happiness, anxiety and anticipation mixed with fear are the emotions of that morning as we checking and I was prepared to go into the OR. Finally, they wheeled me off on my own into the OR, set the epidural and brought my husband back in. My doctor talked me through the process and then, he said, “We have a baby.” I waited for a few tumultuous seconds to hear him screaming and finally when I did it was the most precious sound I have ever heard, my baby boy crying. My husband and I both were able to hold him together at once and looking into his blue eyes I was so happy to see what I had been waiting on for 9 months. The love that built in my heart over those 9 months was so climactic at that moment when I first held, touched, looked at, and kissed on my baby. Carter Zachary Byrd was born on February 15, 2011, at 7:53 a.m. and weighed 7lbs 11oz.