Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sleep Safety for Baby ~ Helpful Hints

Always Give Babies Room to Breathe!
On average, almost 400 Texas babies die in their sleep each year - suddenly, unexpectedly, and without a clear explanation or due to accidental suffocation or strangulation. That's why it is so important to always give babies "Room to Breathe."
The ABC's of Infant sleep:
  • A - Sleep alone
  • B - On their backs with no blankets or bedding
  • C - In a crib and cool (70 degrees)
  • S - In a smoke free environment


  • Do put babies to sleep alone on their backs in a crib or on another firm surface with a tight-fitting bottom sheet. If the baby leaves an impression on the mattress, the surface is too soft.
  • Do keep babies away from second hand smoke.
  • Do dress the baby, not the bed - dress the child lightly and control the room temperature. 70 degrees is ideal.
  • Do breast feed and use pacifiers as both are associated with a lower risk of sudden death.


  • Don't put a baby to sleep with blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, or bumper pads inside the crib.
  • Don't cover a baby's face or allow a baby to cover its face with anything.
  • Don't let an infant sleep with older children.
  • Don't ever sleep with an infant if you are drunk, under the influence of illegal drugs or medications that make you sleepy, or when extremely tired.
  • Don't put a baby to sleep on or sleep with a baby on chairs, sofas, futons, beanbags, or cushions.
  • Don't put babies to sleep on soft mattresses such as pillow-tops, waterbeds, or memory foam. If the baby leaves an impression in the mattress, it's too soft.
  • Don't expose babies to secondhand smoke.
this article has been taken from the TX Dept. of Family & Protective Services Room to Breathe Campaign