Today, I nervously went in for my 20 week OB appointment. The reason I was nervous for my appointment.... For the past month, I have been having some major discomfort in my tummy area... One of the discomforts is on the left side and feels like a runner's cramp. This comes and goes but I usually feel this discomfort more days than not. Additionally, and more worrisome for me, I've been having discomfort & pain in what I would call the "hammock" of my belly... This area is below the belly button and reaches from one hip area to another. This discomfort and the worry was so much that I got a belly band to support my pregnant belly until the day for another doctor's appointment came. I tried to remain calm because I have not experienced any bleeding or fluid leakage which could be associated with any particular negative outcome.
Another reason I was nervous is that I haven't felt my baby move more than a couple of times and from what I've read and heard from others, I really should be feeling her move by now! I thought I felt my baby move last Friday night. I was resting on the couch with my feet up and reading one of my pregnancy books, Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn by Penny Simkin. I felt a little flutter on my right side - this particular feeling I had never experienced and I was just SURE it was my baby. :) So that gave me some comfort.
Anyway, by the time my appointment came this morning at 11:30, I had gotten myself so worked up that my blood pressure, when taken by the nurse, was WAY too high. I explained my worries (and luckily by the end of the appointment my blood pressure was back to normal.)
When I spoke to the doctor about my pains, I was surprised to find that this is actually pretty normal. I kept thinking to myself - really??? But, apparently, that's why baby and maternity stores sell the belly bands - to provide the very, very much needed support to bellies that are growing larger than they have ever been before. And my doctor reiterated that this IS my first pregnancy so I can expect a little more stretching and discomfort for the remainder of my nine months.
Regarding fetal movement, I was very interested to find out why on Earth I hadn't been feeling my little one move. During the sonogram, it was explained that I have an anterior placenta. Anterior placentas are located near the top of the uterus (presently right behind my belly button) and are in the front, rather than the back. As this was being explained, I began to understand the "why" question I had been asking before. Since the placenta is coiled and floating just behind the uterine wall, every time my baby moves or kicks, she kicks the cord instead of the side of the uterus and therefor it cannot be felt by the nerves just under my belly skin. So that explained it!!
Needless to say, I was so relieved after my appointment that it took a few hours to realize all of the wonderful things the doctor had to say... our baby girl is strong, healthy, growing right on target. :)