I knew long before I got pregnant that "morning sickness" is different for every mommy. I also knew that it sometimes lasts only the first trimester, and sometimes lasts the entire pregnancy....
My "morning sickness" started out as midnight sickness. I would get up during the middle of the night (sometimes multiple times per night) and be sick. Sometimes it was pretty severe with dry heaving, and other times it would be as simple as walking to the bathroom, vomiting, and going back to bed. I try to remember to keep a hair tie on my night stand so I can pull my hair back on the way to the restroom - not glamorous but it works!
I still have to get up during the night, but now, it's happening when I wake up in the morning and sometimes after breakfast! Occasionally throughout the day but not usually.
One thing I've done to cope with the frequent vomiting is to just eat through the nausea. It feels weird to make myself eat when I have an upset stomach but after I do it, I feel a lot better. I'm extremely busy during the day, so I'm wondering if I'm digesting my daytime meals more quickly because of the activity... if so, this is probably helping curb the nausea. It seems that when I wake up during the night, I'm throwing up undigested dinner from 5 or 6 hours before - gross! Needless to say, I have started eating lighter dinners!