I always knew I wanted to be a wife and a mother. And now, fully engaged in both of these things, I continue to be surprised by the complexity and yet simple beauty of if all...
Monday, January 2, 2012
My Baby Journey (week 6)
Yesterday, on New Year's Day, 2012, my husband & I found out (after two years of trying to conceive) that we're PREGNANT! I will never forget the look on Brett's face when I brought the at-home pregnancy test into the living room with a stunned grin and handed it to him. I thought he'd tip over the coffee table as he lunged toward me, hugging me, both of us beaming with joy. I had felt that I may be pregnant for a few weeks prior, but, even as a birth educator, I explained away the symptoms. One reason I did this is that I wasn't having morning sickness. Rather, it was midnight sickness. It was always after something slightly different for dinner, so I thought, well, it was just something I ate. Looking back over the past month or so, I admit that I'd been a little more emotional and a little more tired than normal (more very typical signs of pregnancy). But, I'd been feeling great otherwise! So, here we are on January 2nd - about to schedule our first prenatal appointment and - WOW - I couldn't have a wider range of emotions!